Samstag, 26. August 2023

Education as a secret Nazi - Enigma - code, a quaranty for the Reich.

Just imagine that there is something, something big, something huge as the back of an elephant and that thing is that big and monstrous, that everybody tends to ignore it. 


Imagine that there is something encoded in education in a manifestation of all days life where something is persisting perpetuating and forming a reality deriving its motivation directly from the system which was capable of killing 6 million Jews and bringing the world close to the edge of elimination of human terms.


Ludwig Erhard as mimicry of the Nazi Otto Ohlendorf and Johanna Haarer a German pulmonologist who invented a code of producing Nazi - clones in a dynastic evolved pattern of obedience educated into the children  were the recipe to continue the third Reich within the new order under allied occupation.

The new Nazi - era was inaugurated under the curtain of pretention under a big show of democracy waiting for a star to fall as seed for the new German totalitarian regime .


The publication of JOHANNA HAARER was distributed till the mid - 80s in the last century. THUS the "number of effectivity" grew over the horizon of the year 1987 !


Meaning,  the total number of Nazi - educated and in this meaning cloned children in the dynastic continuity is inflating to the very present day !




It grows like cancer in the secret of the ridiculous banality.


Millions of Germans a educated to the state where no emotion is used in the convention of what it means to be even more effective the idea of a Prussian state, maybe even an empire  consisting in the understanding of steady readiness to create obedience to any necessary order to act as monolith.


War in different and peaceful terms. The third Reich as an invisible state beneath the visible world order.


Germany is a big show: The jews are still the enemy, even in left - political terms an power in Europe is still the only satisfaction of the German restlessness.


Lily Abegg in her book about the German - Chinese - relations revealed the idea of German hegemony in the world by the means of internationalizing the concept of dominance in - today terms of moral as weapon to succeed.


Call it the evolution of Prussia in getting its idea of power under the carpet where the city of German power grows unrecognized.



German femininity is the battery where Nazism is bred in.


Nazism is a question of German women, not of the male part !


That is the most important change in the point of view one have to perform to get a correct idea of the present physical and mental constitution of Germany.

The answer to how to prevent Germany causing the next world - crises is to deconstruct the principles of the German womanhood and its inner self - understanding of creating cold soldiers in the first four years of educating their children without love and hugs. 

The uterus is Germanys most effetive armament factory. 

Vice versa: The German Woman and her relationship to her child is the weakest part of a German tank !. 

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